Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Introducing Margaret, {The Giggle Monster}

Hello, and welcome to my blog, chatterbox central, life rants, whatever you want to call it. My name is Margaret and needless to say I've been on one hell of a journey to hell and back again. Let me tell you why...
Two years ago in 2010, my husband and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. I couldn't wait to have all of our friends and family over. One of our friends had even hired a photographer and had the party catered. Don't get me wrong, the party was great until everything was over and the photographer sent me our pictures. I was mortified by how I looked in every. single. picture.  Ok, time to get on the scale...

The verdict was...298lbs!! HOLY SHIT!
Needless to say after that moment I started changing my lifestyle. I got down to 272 and after that I just figured I was meant to be big and why should I care what everyone else thought?

Well, it turns out it really didn't matter what others thought so much, however when I looked at myself in the mirror...I hated being me.

After that moment in the mirror I decided enough was enough!! I deserved better for myself, my husband and my health. So starting in March of 2012 I began another new lifestyle change...I signed up for Weight Watchers. Not the one where you go to all the meetings and weigh in and all that jazz, but online. Yep, that's right. I decided to do it all online. Call me crazy but it works for me and my busy lifestyle. I'm currently down to 219lbs and I get compliments at least once a day on how fabulous I look and to keep it up! :D

It's so uplifting to hear those words!! I figured to keep up my motivation it would be great to start a blog and share my struggles and thoughts on the wonderful world wide web. I struggle with my eating decisions at least once a day, but I find when I eat like crap, I feel like crap!

This is me now, in 2012, at 217lbs. HUGE improvement over  the 300lb mark I was so close to touching. But hey! I've rebounded and I don't plan on going back to THAT nightmare...EVER! I'm not where I want to be yet but I'm getting there! 
Me, back in 2010 at my anniversary party weighing just about 300lbs! YIPES! I definitely won't be going back there again!!  You can keep those fat pants!

This is my youngest sister, Amy and I. I'm so blessed to have a loving supporting family...especially with that 8am wake up call saying GO TO THE GYM, MARGARET!!! Haha.

I plan on sharing more of my ups, downs, and my crazy life in the weeks and months to come! I hope someone gets a little giggle or enjoyment out of this!

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